Don't worry, you don't need to slave away doing ab crunches and all those complicated ab workouts to get that beautiful, lean, toned stomach you've always wanted. Instead, you can just cheat your way to great abs with these can-not-fail tips!
#5 Lean, Toned Abs are So Last-Year.
Things have changed -- now it's all about beer bellies! No one really cares so much about great abs anymore. All the big trendsetters when it comes to what's hot and what's in are saying it loud and clear -- flab is fab, lean is not.
#4 Your Body Will Conveniently Hide Fat For You.
Sure we were just chatting about beer bellies before, but really, they aren't a big deal, because your body has this amazing system in place -- when you eat too much and develop some fat, your body just shuffles that extra flab over to some hidden little area that no one can see, like on your back somewhere. You'll never look big to anyone!
#3 Beaches? What Beaches?
I know people talk about 'beach bodies' and getting in shape for the summer and all that, but really, come on. Who even bothers with the beach tomorrow. I think that if you take my word and just drive by any random beach this summer, you'll find that it is very much empty, not full of anyone with a toned body or a sculpted physique.
#2 You Can Just Exercise At Your Desk!
Wondering why you see all those ads for those weird, pulsating ab workout machines that attach to your stomach? It's easy! They just really, really work! Seriously, there's no issue at all with them being inconvenient, fake, or prone to breaking down. Nope, you just attach a bunch of awkward electrodes to your flab and blast it away, we swear!
#1 What Could Ever Be Wrong With Diet Pills?
Hey, diet pills have always worked, right? No one has ever gotten addicted to them, realized half of them are just sugar pills, or that the other half of them are wonderfully dangerous for your bodies and your health? Nah, no way! Pop those dangerous pills and bid "adieu" to those annoying crunches, right? - 31997
#5 Lean, Toned Abs are So Last-Year.
Things have changed -- now it's all about beer bellies! No one really cares so much about great abs anymore. All the big trendsetters when it comes to what's hot and what's in are saying it loud and clear -- flab is fab, lean is not.
#4 Your Body Will Conveniently Hide Fat For You.
Sure we were just chatting about beer bellies before, but really, they aren't a big deal, because your body has this amazing system in place -- when you eat too much and develop some fat, your body just shuffles that extra flab over to some hidden little area that no one can see, like on your back somewhere. You'll never look big to anyone!
#3 Beaches? What Beaches?
I know people talk about 'beach bodies' and getting in shape for the summer and all that, but really, come on. Who even bothers with the beach tomorrow. I think that if you take my word and just drive by any random beach this summer, you'll find that it is very much empty, not full of anyone with a toned body or a sculpted physique.
#2 You Can Just Exercise At Your Desk!
Wondering why you see all those ads for those weird, pulsating ab workout machines that attach to your stomach? It's easy! They just really, really work! Seriously, there's no issue at all with them being inconvenient, fake, or prone to breaking down. Nope, you just attach a bunch of awkward electrodes to your flab and blast it away, we swear!
#1 What Could Ever Be Wrong With Diet Pills?
Hey, diet pills have always worked, right? No one has ever gotten addicted to them, realized half of them are just sugar pills, or that the other half of them are wonderfully dangerous for your bodies and your health? Nah, no way! Pop those dangerous pills and bid "adieu" to those annoying crunches, right? - 31997
About the Author:
If you want to have a toned and lean body - get ready for a great body workout. You will find a fantastic workout routine and some nutrition info at Bodyrock.TV.